Writing Sweatshop in Berlin ***Warteliste***
In the structured and effective writing session of the Sweatshop, you will write one text in one day: a chapter of your dissertation, a journal article, an essay, a lecture, a funding application…
This tough but very rewarding day will be facilitated by Ingrid Scherübl. We will work from 9.30-5.30pm in a beauiful writing space in Raabestr. 8, 10405 Berlin. Depending on the needs of the group, I will facilitate in English, if we are all German speakers, we will speak German. You can of course write in any language you want. The cost of participation is 135€.
Starting from the blank page, you will have written a good draft by the end of the day. Experience your writing productivity to the fullest. Sign up here for this flow-experience.