Writing Ashram
The Writing Ashram is a one-week training course for concentrated writing. We offer academics of all career levels and other people with ambitious text projects an optimal working environment.
The cost of the course is 1.250€ ist your institution funds your particpation or 980€ if you pay for yourself. There are additional costs for room and board (ca.700-800€). Please note the terms of participation.
Funding is usually available through your university or graduate program, Erasmus, the Bildungsprämie, however there are also participants who privately fund their stay.
Sinve a decade scholars from all over the world gather at this writing retreat in different locations. Join this transforming flow-experience!
The Writing Ashram week is a unique and transforming experience: You get a lot done, and build momentum to keep you going with your writing project. Many dissertations, articles, monographs have pushed to success in this retreat.